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Miriam Henke

"There are incredibly talented health professionals, alternative healers and ground-breaking new technologies that can help you with any physical or mental health challenges you or a loved one may be facing. And never underestimate your own power to heal yourself, too. Don’t give up until you find your solution."


My Story

Hi my name is Miriam Henke and here are a few things I would like to share with you:


Favourite colour: Turquoise

Ethnicity: German-Australian

Passion in life:Psychology, personal development, natural therapies, red light therapy, being a step-mum, health and wellbeing


  • My goals

    • Become a psychologist – not a smooth ride, took much longer to achieve this goal than I anticipated but I got there eventually and there were so many benefits from the path I did take in the end

    • Be in a relationship with my perfect partner – I have an amazing partner, Michael, who is my equal, who challenges me, is my best friend, we work together well in our business and have the privilege of co-parenting his gorgeous 4 children

    • Run my own successful business – it took my 7 years to formally “quit a job” and completely support myself financially in my business, Miriam Henke Consulting (coaching/training/psychology services), and it has been very successful for over 7 years now

  • My struggles

    • Having a mystery illness when I was 22, having my body shut down and not function well without any answers as to why for several months before having an answer: a condition called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (underactive thyroid), in a severe form. The challenge was then combining pharmaceuticals with natural therapies to regain my function and health again, which took a number of years

    • Breaking free from my controlling and critical father, trusting myself and my instincts, and going my own path in life (ultimately leading to estrangement – the best outcome for us both)

    • Supporting my partner through the most difficult period of his life, where there was so much loss, depression, anxiety, persecution and uncertainty. We went to hell and back together, to the verge of poverty, and ultimately it was our deep connection, commitment to each other and a better life, and our faith that things would get better (and it certainly did).

    • Becoming a step-mum of 4 little kids, especially with a difficult ex-wife. Learning how to parent, while completing my Master’s degree and all against my father’s wishes was challenging. But Michael is a great dad, we make a great team and I bonded quickly and deeply with the kids – we all have a great relationship.

  • The values I personally hold in life

    • Integrity, Faith, Health, Growth, Inspiration, Flexibility, Achievement, Freedom, Family, Positivity, Connection, Communication, Respect, Happiness, Fun and Love

  • Any advice for others who want to pursue their dreams

    • Get clear as you can on who you are, what you love and value, what change you want to see in the world, and what will continually inspire you. Once you have that clear then it’s so much easier to pursue your dreams. Realise and accept the road will be bumpy, there will be twists, and it will be a challenge – and that’s ok because the learning, wisdom and self-awareness you gain is completely worth it.

I would really like to bring this charity to peoples attention: Aussieghana Relief Foundation ( – To provide development assistance and effective relief services for distressed groups; women, orphans, youth groups, and street children.

Some videos relevant to my story:

Please feel free to visit my websites if you would like to know more about what I do

Miriam Henke Consulting – 

The Mainspring Method – 

Lifespan Dynamics –

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