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Original Oil Painting by Stephen Zanker

65 x 95 cm canvas


This one was a fun piece for me. I was actually wanting to paint Tom Hardy but for some reason it started to look more like Ryan Reynolds. Instead of correcting the painting I decided to go with it and try to empathise with Ryan Reynolds. I felt that he is a fairly aware individual who uses humour to entertain or deflect. I have a wide range of comedians I appreciate. The things I like about Ryan Reynolds are: He really doesn't give a shit what people think about him, he knows how to view the best out of any situation, he is a go with the flow type of person, he is not trying to save the world or 'engineer reality', If I was to hazard a guess I would say that he is fairly content with himself and just wants to be surrounded by real genuine people. Everything else is just a facade for the sake of his sense of humour :)

The man behind the face

SKU: 00005
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